Διοίκηση και Χρηματοοικονομική Ανάλυση Ενεργειακών Συστημάτων
Course ID
Course Description
Elective course (general)
Elective course (general)
Class schedule
• Basics of energy systems: primary and secondary energy sources, the taxonomy of energy sources (renewable/non-renewable, dispatchable/stochastic), energy-related quantities (energy, power, nominal power, installed capacity) and units of measurement, energy systems (electric power, natural gas, transportation)
• The new regulatory framework: deregulation, energy markets, decentralized generation, (supply/demand) aggregators, decarbonization of energy generation and the share of renewable energy sources, zero-emission economy.
• Electric power generation: thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, renewable energy generation units (technologies, operating principles, inputs/outputs, operating curves, cost functions).
• Energy demand analysis: load curves, demand components, load forecasting, levels of forecasting (short-/medium-/long-term), econometric modelling of load curves.
• Power generation management: optimal generation scheduling, optimal dispatch of thermal units, hydrothermal scheduling, cross-border electricity trade.
• Wholesale electricity markets: day-ahead, intraday, balancing market (design principles, auctions, market players, market clearing, electricity pricing).
• Financial energy markets: financial securities on energy commodities, emission rights trading, derivatives, trading positions, hedging, exotic derivatives (weather derivatives)
• Special topics in energy markets: pricing of power purchase agreements, guarantees of origin, optimal participation in wholesale electricity markets, risk management, aggregator’s portfolio selection.
• The new regulatory framework: deregulation, energy markets, decentralized generation, (supply/demand) aggregators, decarbonization of energy generation and the share of renewable energy sources, zero-emission economy.
• Electric power generation: thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, renewable energy generation units (technologies, operating principles, inputs/outputs, operating curves, cost functions).
• Energy demand analysis: load curves, demand components, load forecasting, levels of forecasting (short-/medium-/long-term), econometric modelling of load curves.
• Power generation management: optimal generation scheduling, optimal dispatch of thermal units, hydrothermal scheduling, cross-border electricity trade.
• Wholesale electricity markets: day-ahead, intraday, balancing market (design principles, auctions, market players, market clearing, electricity pricing).
• Financial energy markets: financial securities on energy commodities, emission rights trading, derivatives, trading positions, hedging, exotic derivatives (weather derivatives)
• Special topics in energy markets: pricing of power purchase agreements, guarantees of origin, optimal participation in wholesale electricity markets, risk management, aggregator’s portfolio selection.
Assessment methods
- Final exam with Multiple Choice Questions and Problem Solving (Conclusive) (weighting 40%)
- Laboratory Work (Conclusive) (weighting 60%)
Participation in the final exam is compulsory
Recommended Reading
- Bradford T. (2021) The energy system : technology, economics, markets, and policy (in greek)
- Bakirtzis (1998) Economical functioning of power systems (in greek)
- Biggar D.R., Hesamzadeh, M.R. (2014) The economics of electricity markets, IEEE press, Wiley
Lecture notes and computer exercises are available through eclass
Examinable content
Announced through eclass
Useful Links