FME aims to provide students with a strong foundation in engineering, economics and management. It’s 5-year undergraduate programme includes:
- forty-one (41) core programme taught courses over the first 3.5 years of the programme, compulsory for all students
- seven (7) compulsory track taught courses delivered mainly during the fourth year of study, relevant to the area of specialization chosen by the student
- a choice of three (3) compulsory elective courses providing further specialization within the framework of the chosen track
- four (4) general electives selected from a group of concentrated courses which will develop creativity and skills essential for Financial and Management Engineers
- the final year diploma thesis, undertaken during the ninth and completed during the tenth semester.
To obtain a degree in Financial and Management Engineering students are required to participate in 55 courses:
- 41 core courses
- 7 compulsory track courses
- 3 compulsory electives
- 4 general electives, and
- a diploma thesis.
These 55 courses are selected by the student from a total of 94 courses offered by the department. The number of required courses, plus the wide selection available are testament to the dynamic, wide-ranging and competitive character of the curriculum.