Petros Kavassalis is an Associate Professor with the University of the Aegean (Dpt of Financial and Management Engineering – Information Management Lab, i4M Lab). Petros Kavassalis holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a Ph.D. from Dauphine University in Paris (Economics and Management) - doctoral programme in collaboration with Ecole polytechnique, Cenrtre de Recherche en Gestion (GRG). In the past, he worked as a Researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (Centre de Recherche en Gestion), at MIT (Research Program onCommunication Policy – now part of SSRC), where he has contributed to the foundation of the MIT Internet Telecommunications Convergence Consortium MIT-ITC, and at ICS-Forth, Greece.
His interests focus on the fields of Information Management, e-Identity and Privacy Management in Federated and Self-Sovereign Environments, Blockchain and Decentralized Systems, Business Process Modeling and Automation, Document Engineering, Communications Policy, Organization of the Digital Economies, Economics and Policy of Industrial and Technical Change.
In the last years, Kavassalis' research focuses in particular on the application of e-services and software that enable private and public organizations to explore the potential of advanced identity management technologies and the secure environment established by the eIDAS Regulation.
- Web Site for ATLANTIS Group: http://www.atlantis-group.gr (web site under reconstruction)
- Web Site for i4M Lab (Information Management Lab/UAegean): http:i4mlab.atlantis-group.gr (web site under reconstruction)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/pkavassalis
Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες
Petros Kavassalis' publications (abd citations to his published work):
- Please go to Google Scholar: search for <petros kavassalis>
- Or, visit:
Research interests and work on:
- Electronic Identity and Privacy Management: Self-Sovereign Identities, Verifiable Credentials
- Electronic Identity and Privacy Management: EU eID (eIDAS eID)
- Blockchain Applications (auditing, supply-chains, shipping)
- Decouling of QES e-Signature provision architectures (Qualified Electronic Signatures)
- Identity Management and Locaton Services: Smart Ecacuation Management in Cruise and RoPax Vessels
- Economics of Technical Change & Industrial Policy in ICT Industries
Petros Kavassalis heads the UAegean | i4m Lab (with N. Triantafylloy, K. Ksystra, C. Bitsikas, M. Sofianopoulos, M. Belesioti, Th. Kyristis/collab, N,. Papazis/collab.)
Takeaways from the recent UAegean | i4m Lab activity (recent work)
- Covid-19 Vaccination Passports (work together with UMalaga/V. Giralt, M. Adams/Quali-Sign, E. Wagner/Erste Group and Univ. of Vienna, E. Anzellotti/ABI Labs, L. Boldrin/InfoCert)
- Verifiable Credentials and the Blockchain for digital government and against discrimination in the neighborhood: The case of Social Solidarity Income in Greece(SBchain Project funded by SIEMENS - Review Committee: S. Haridi/KTH, P. Tsanakas/NTUA, L. Bordrin.InfoCert)
- Disposable Yet Official Identities (work with the participation of R. van Kranenburg and G. Le Gars)
-Presentation at the European Parliament (STOA)
-Data for Policy 2020 paper: https://zenodo.org/record/4016977#.YD9egYgzY2w (under publicatiin in Data & Policy Journal)
- Linkded Identities for ERASMUS students: a Self-Sovereign Indentity approach(SEAL Project funded by EC CEF Programme, with ATOS Research, UMalaga, UPORTO, UJI)
-European Journal of Higher Education IT 2020, https://www.eunis.org/download/2020/EUNIS_2020_paper_63.pdf
-UAegean i4m Lab at the SEAL Project https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AlfCCtiIucBn0cW0sD27po4Nf3aodw-E/view?usp=sharing
- Decoupling in QES (Qualified Electronic Signatures) infrastructures (eSig eID Project funded by EU CEF Programme, with GR Ministry of Education, NTUA, i4p and others)
Presentation at ENISA Workshop https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yQaQ1sklin6hE4vpFXwyJkVKrbSaFwyG/view?usp=sharing
- Smart Evacuation Management: Verifiable Credebtials, Location Position through WiFi6 Networks, Interaction with Passengers and Crew though (Low Latency) in-situ 5G (PALAEMON Project, funded by EC Horizon2020, with Airbus, ATOS, Ericsson, Thales etc., support for PoC: Hewlett Packard and Aruba Networks)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eCP7DguRt80xAdmpB-yDH6PxcV7Ay4e_/view?usp=sharing - Videos from demo: https://vimeo.com/user132132708