A system is characterized as “stochastic” when its evolution in time is arbitrary. To deal with such systems the first step is to understand how it operates and the purpose of studying it, in order to be able to build a model that is simple yet sufficiently true to the real. The second steps consists in carefully analyzing the model and compute the desired measures. To facilitate this special classes of stochastic processes are used, like discrete-time Markov chains, Poisson processes and continuous-time Markov chains. For each of these processes, the transient distributions, limiting distributions and cost evaluations are studied. The main part of the course deals with a particular class of stochastic system called queuing systems which is commonly used to model systems’ behavior in production and service providing systems. Typically, a queuing system consists of a stream of customers that arrive at a service facility, get served according to a given service discipline and then depart. We are interested in designing a queuing system that will help us answering questions like “How many customers are there in the queue on average?”, “How long does a typical customer spend in the queue?”, “How many customers are rejected or lost due to capacity limitations?”. Finally, an introduction to Markov Decision process is provided.
Module Contents (Syllabus):
Week 1. Probability Models Review, Introduction to Stochastic Process and Queuing Systems
Week 2. Introduction to stochastic modeling, Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMC),Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC)
Week 3. Characteristics of queuing systems, PASTA, Little’s Law
Week 4. The Μ/Μ/1/1 model and the Μ/Μ/1 model
Week 5. The Μ/Μ/1 model- Exercises
Week 6. Other Μ/Μ/1 models
Week 7. The Μ/Μ/k model - Exercises
Week 8. The Μ/Μ/1/k model - Exercises
Week 9.The Μ/Μ/k/k - Exercises
Week 10. The Μ/Μ/1/k/k and M/M/s/k/k models - Exercises
Week 11. The M/M/inf model-Retrial model - Exercises
Week 12. Expected Cost
Week 13. Expected Cost- Exercises
Module Objective:
The aim of the course is to provide the students the capability of modeling, analysis and design of systems the evolution of which is arbitrary. To this direction the course provides the appropriate background for understanding the behavior of a real world system and modeling its evolution using stochastic processes such as Markov processes. The course mainly focuses on queuing systems and their application is production and service systems
Midterm exam (optional) and final exams in Greek
[Επιλογή 1] Βιβλίο [45392]: ΟΥΡΕΣ ΑΝΑΜΟΝΗΣ, Φακίνος Δημήτρης, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 45392, Έκδοση: 2η έκδ./2008, Συγγραφείς: Φακίνος Δημήτρης, ISBN: 978-960-266-206-9, Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα, Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): Σ.ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ & ΣΙΑ Ι.Κ.Ε. (in greek)
[Επιλογή 2] Βιβλίο [11282]: ΣΤΟΧΑΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ ΣΤΙΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΕΣ ΕΡΕΥΝΕΣ, Βασιλείου Παναγιώτης – Χρήστος, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 11282, Έκδοση: 1η έκδ./2000, Συγγραφείς: Βασιλείου Παναγιώτης – Χρήστος, ISBN: 960-431-583-8, Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα, Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): Ζήτη Πελαγία & Σια Ι.Κ.Ε.
(in greek)- Στοχαστικές Ανελίξεις: Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές, 1η εκδ./2003, Τ.Ι. Δάρας, Π.Θ. Σύψας, Εκδόσεις ZHTH, (κωδ. 11281)(in greek)
- Στοχαστικά Μοντέλα στην Επιχειρησιακή Έρευνα, Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές, Φακίνος Δημήτρης, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 45393, Έκδοση: 2η έκδ./2007, Συγγραφείς: Φακίνος Δημήτρης, ISBN: 978-960-266-195-6, Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα, Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): Σ.ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ & ΣΙΑ Ι.Κ.Ε.(in greek)
- Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Control of Stochastic Systems, Kulkarni, V.G., Sprienger, 1999
- Introduction to Probability Models, G. Bolch, S. M. Ross, Academic Press, (10th ed.), 2009.
- Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing, and Computer Science Applications (2nd ed.), Trivedi K. S., John Wiley & Sons, 2001
Probability Models Review, Introduction to Stochastic Process and Queuing Systems
Introduction to stochastic modeling
Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMC)
Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC)
The Μ/Μ/1 model
The Μ/Μ/k model
The Μ/Μ/1/k model
The Μ/Μ/k/k model
The Μ/Μ/1/k/k and M/M/s/k/k models
The M/M/inf and the Retrial models
Queuing Systems Cost