The course focuses on the relationship between the interdependent economies (and macroeconomic policies) and the global money and capital markets. It analyses the functioning of exchange markets and International Monetary Fund. After explaining how the changes in interest rates, prices and output impact on exchange rates, it compares the systems of fixed and floating exchange rates. The course deals with issues as the globalization of capital markets, the main features and crises of the global finance system.
Global Macroeconomy.
Exchange rates: essentials.
Exchange Rates I: the monetary approach in the long run.
Exchange Rates II: the asset approach in the short run.
National and International Accounts: Income.
Balance of Payments I: the gains from financial globalization.
The Euro.
Topics in International Macroeconomics
Feenstra C. Robert, Taylor M. Alan (2012). International Economics, Epikentro Publications.
Antzoulatos A. (2011) Governments, Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Diplographia Publications.
Salvatore Dominick (2017). International Economics, Tziola Publications.
Krugman Paul, Obstfeld Maurice, Melitz Marc (2016). International Economics, Kritiki Publications.
Leventakis I. (2017). International Macroeconomics and Finance. Εκδόσεις UNIBOOKS Publications.